






You watch television. You are the one who still watches television. You see what people should never see. You see pictures that they often just put in, pictures that were taken a long time ago and are now being shown so that people can be told again and again about the atrocities committed by people. People who kill other people. Who simply do terrible things all the time. They want to show that people are simply bad. We shouldn’t have you anymore.

Being human is different. Loving people. Honor people. Respecting people. You rarely show that. You don’t see that in the movies. Nor do you see people who stand up for other people. No, you only see fighters fighting for something. The bad guys kill. They themselves can do what they want, they are the good guys.

But the good guys don’t exist. There are no bad guys either. It’s just that people let other people be like that. People watch what people do to other people. They also want to watch. There are images of those who want to lead us, who watch on screen as people are killed. Being killed for real by specialists in killing. That goes around the world. They want to show that we can all just kill if we want to. We find them via our cell phones and everything we have installed so that we can do anything we want. After all, we are the masters of the world. We can have everyone killed today if we want to.

Pictures show something. People are then worried. People have trouble sleeping. People are then also there and believe that everything is as it is shown. This is often not the case, people should already know. No, they still believe everything they are told via the various media. They still don’t know what is called fake news. Deliberately misinforming people. Why? To literally confuse them more and more.

It’s the same with the soul. They have been completely confused. It is no longer allowed to be. It should be constantly confronted with something it has never seen before. Never experienced. People have always experienced something that was inhumane and cost many lives. Today, however, we are deliberately making sure that people become more and more confused and numb.

Souls have been here for many lifetimes. But they have never seen so many killing people. People who are completely gone. Who allow themselves to be used to kill people in the most hideous ways. People are always on display these days. They have drones. You have cell phones that turn them off. People are killed at the touch of a button. You no longer have to be there. No, you wipe out people’s lives without doing anything. You have missiles that are very long-range and just kill people by the thousands. You never had people in history who just watched people being killed without being there. No, not that, but for thousands of years they were simply there. On the front line or at the back, but never in such a way that you could watch people being killed by the thousands.

That’s how people are today. They have weapons that make it all possible. They have governments that go along with everything. You have people who say it’s justified. You have presidents who also support it. Who also say that we are involved because there is someone we don’t want. We also want people who say that they want people to simply be killed. What kind of people are we who allow this?

Allowing people to be killed in front of our eyes all the time, and we finance it all. We the people who can no longer defend ourselves. No, we the people who allow it all. This has to be said so that we, the people, become increasingly aware of what we are allowing to happen. We are doing our bit. No, not on the front line, but we allow our parliamentarians, chancellors, ministers and above all our presidents to do what they do.

Not only at our expense, but also not at our behest. Or – people – do you agree with our leaders in government or with our president? No! Then – people – you must say it loud enough for them to understand. So that they know that you don’t want what they are doing or even causing to happen. After all, you know more and more clearly who is causing all this. You also know who has to go along with it all. You also know who lets wars go on and on.

People – if you don’t want to sell your own soul, then stop allowing what is here. It’s cruel what is. It simply no longer allows people to be what they, who represent us, allow, no, not only allow, but also co-represent and repeatedly force.

You can’t pretend that we, the people, are like that. Greedy for power. Greedy for money and all the things they constantly want to represent and enforce. Surely we are not brutes – we people of the people?

No, we just allow what is.

Our souls are crying. They can no longer see what is happening. We can’t allow thousands of children to be killed again and again. We can’t allow the people who represent us to support this with our money. Surely you are not an inhuman being who stands by and watches children and old people being murdered because someone sees it that way. Someone who is also supported by our governments with our money.

People – it is no longer tolerable what is happening here. You realize that too. You can’t take it anymore. You are constantly paying for everything and are no longer able to sustain yourselves. They put you more in debt every day and you are no longer in a position to shape your children’s future in any other way than what we are experiencing in our present.

People of the people, you are not without a heart. You can’t all have lost the voices of your hearts. You no longer want to hear them.

People – surely you are not people without a heart who can allow all this to happen that people’s eyes can no longer see. Your hearts can no longer cope.

People – you are not people who want murder and manslaughter. People who can no longer see the violations of humanity. You can no longer ignore the fact that this is happening all the time. Caused by our leaders. They go along with it and use more and more of our money for it. They are squandering our country on those who are always making wars so that they can make a lot of money. Our companies can no longer afford anything, the companies of the supreme warlords, who always cause everything that happens today, can buy more and more from our companies and drive us all into their captivity.

People – you are human beings. People are lovers. You want to love. Your souls are sick. You are sick of what is happening. They are constantly showing you that what you are allowing is not good for you. You are the ones who can change this.

People of the people – change is necessary. Change is living. You stop living if it doesn’t change the fact that people are constantly being killed for a few people who are completely insane.

It’s good – people – that there are people to show you. Show you what is happening.

It’s good – people – that there are people who won’t stop showing you what’s happening.

It is good – people – that there are people who can no longer help but point out what your representatives are constantly doing in your name.

They are your representatives – people of the people. They let you down completely. They take everything from you and put you in such debt that generations of you will never be able to repay what they have taken from you. The few madmen who order them, who represent you – people of the people – to do that.

They who represent you – people of the people – have long since ceased to work for you – people of the people. They are only vassals of those whom you – people of the people – do not see, but who are constantly there and take everything they have to give them so that they can be what they are.

We – people of the people – are NOTHING to them. Not to those who represent you – people of the people – but to those who have them as vassals.

But those who represent you – people of the people – are also those who can no longer be had because they won’t let you – people of the people – be.

You are only useful to them. Useful as voting cattle. Useful as machine people who are supposed to deliver everything that they can then pass on to those who have them all under control. They brutally dispose of those they don’t or can’t control.

People of the people – your souls are weeping. They are very restless. They cannot see what you – people of the people – watch on television every day.

You watch this – people of the people – and you are spectators of something that people should never allow.

You watch this – people of the people – and do not know that your souls do not want this. They show you – people of the people – a lot. That’s why you are often sick. Sick at heart above all. But you – people of the people – also have many other illnesses that show you – people of the people – that there is something we can no longer participate in, otherwise we are also the ones who have allowed all humanity in this world to go.

You are. We can. You have. You have everything with you – people of the people – that you can go. You no longer walk – people of the people – but you stand. You often even walk backwards.

It is the day when you – people of the people – should realize that we can no longer go on like this.

We cannot sacrifice the world for a few madmen who are no longer here, but are beings who are completely lost in their thinking and their will to destroy.

The world – people of the people – goes on. No, it stops and waits for you – people of the people.

All the souls who were there in the world and are there in the world say to you: “Go people, the day has come when you can go. You can go and do what you want – people of the people. But only you can go – people of the people!“