






You are on the road with your soul. It is something that people cannot easily accept. It is there. Where is it then?

It is there where one has already suspected it. There between the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae, there also very close to the left shoulder blade, there is the seat of the soul. No, that is not the case. It is not there. It has no fixed place where it is. It just is.

The soul is not what people think. It is much more. It is the connection of the human being to all that is. All is that which is pure energy. Pure energy that can do anything.

You can think of it this way: “The soul is something that comes from pure energy so that the human being can also become pure.”

When is a person pure?

A person is pure when they have dealt with everything that a person has to deal with, so that they no longer have to come. What?

That’s unbelievable. We humans have to come so that we can become pure. Possibly come again and again? Yes, that’s the way it is. You come and come again and learn. You learn in every life. You learn what love can do.

People are lovers. They learn what love can do.

Love is. It is and never goes away. It can only not be when people are gone. Being gone means “people think.”

When people think, they are not with themselves. When they are not with themselves, they cannot see. They do not see when they stray from their path. Their path is love. Love is the path of people. No, not that, but love helps people to follow their path.

They go their way and are happy. They are not on their way and are not happy?

Happiness is. Happiness is when you are on your way. The way is everything. People who are on their way can be happy. They are different then. They are relaxed. They are not tense. You can also see that they cope with their lives more easily. Not in the sense that they do everything that people can possibly do to live, but they can also enjoy their lives. They are free of pressure. Not completely free, of course, but free enough that pressure can no longer affect them. They are above pressure, so to speak. Their lives are such that they are not constantly stressed. But you don’t do things and feel stressed because you are also doing what you want.

People who are on their way are also different because they don’t constantly think. Thinking that there is something left to do. They let go. They just let be. They say, “It’s good. I can continue then. I want to continue when I can continue.”

Now it is clear: “People who are on their way are not forced. They do not believe that they have to constantly. They also do not think that they have to because they are at peace with themselves. I am good and can also do. I do not have to constantly do in order to get applause or confirmation that I am good.”

People are then also aware. Aware, that is to say: “They are aware that if they are constantly under pressure, something is not good. You are then simply not the way you want to be. Sometimes you don’t want to be active either. Rest. Relax.”

People are also conscious in the sense that they know. They know it’s not good if I constantly have to think. I don’t always want to have to. I can also say, “I don’t have to do anything. I am good and can do it. I can if I want to.”

People are then also aware when they recognize. Recognize that when people constantly say they are in stress, something may not be right. Are they not organized? Can’t they believe that they can do what they are supposed to do? Do they think I am not good enough to do what is to be done?

People are supposed to create. Yes, they are supposed to create. Creating is important for people. They are then creative and are then what they are. Lovers who want to create something. They love what they do. They are also the ones who can do a lot because they have a lot with them.

They have a lot in their luggage so that they can create what they have planned for the new life. They are well equipped. They just have to make sure that they can see. See what is necessary to create in life what they have planned.

People can do a lot. That’s good, because with the many things they have with them, they can also do a lot that can help everyone. They can help people to help themselves.

This is very important for the human community. People help people to help themselves. I am not the clever one who helps you, but I know that you can, but now need help so that you can do what you want and are able to do.

The soul’s task is to help people to help themselves.

No, not that. It is her job to show people when they are not on their path. So she helps in that she gives people clues: “You are not on the path that makes you happy and won’t let you be.”

That is also important for people to understand. No, to realize that understanding is not what can help people on the path they want to take. Understanding is connected to the head-brain. So it is not what helps people to find their way. No, the head-brain cannot do that. It only sees what the EGO wants. But the EGO does not want people to go their way, because then the EGO would never have the meaning it has when people are not on their way.

Recognizing this is very important for people. They can see why the EGO does not want them to be on their path. Then the EGO would no longer have the significance it has when people think. When people think, they are the ones who follow the EGO that makes them think. So thinking is an obstacle for people when they want to be on their path.

Yes, that’s the way it is. Thinking can also completely lead people astray from their path. You see that over and over again. People think things that are not good and that also lead them to deviate completely from what they are. Lovers. They can be very loving, considerate and very empathetic when they are with themselves. When they are what they are. Lovers.

When they think, people can be very different from what they are. They can then angrily and furiously enforce what they think needs to be enforced now. You are then just who you can be. A person who is not good now. You are then in the emotion. You can no longer control it. You are completely gone when the emotions are so strong that you can no longer slow them down. Has that happened often? No, hopefully not, because otherwise you can get very far away from yourself. You are then also hurtful and can no longer be with people. Do you know what it means to be good with people? Then it’s good to learn to see what thinking can do to people. Then you can get back on track if you learn to observe your thoughts and give them the importance they should have, namely to help people to be what they are: “a loving being.”

People don’t love. Then they are not on their path. Then things won’t go well. Then you’re not on the right path. Then you don’t let go. Letting go is important. Letting go means, “I can let myself go. Letting go in the sense that I can be what I want: ‘A lover.’

Now it is also clear why the soul is there. It makes sure that people can be. But they are only when they love. If they don’t love, then the soul can show that there is something preventing you. It is also wise to try to see.

No, people often can’t see. When they are thinking, they don’t see much anymore. Then it simply can’t be. You think, “I just don’t want to now. It’s all just not good. I don’t want people. They only prevent me from doing what I have to do. I don’t have time for people. They can’t tell me anything either. I know what’s necessary now. I just don’t want to talk. Every word is pointless. I know what it’s about and what has to be done to get out of the mess I’m in now.

Thoughts. Yes, thoughts that carry people away. They are not with themselves. Everything has conspired against them – they think too. They are not wanted. So they have to try even harder. They cannot let themselves be subjected to everything that is happening now. Their thinking becomes more and more radical. They are no longer willing to accept anything. Especially not people. They no longer want to have anything to do with them.

People think and the soul sees. It sees what is happening. You are not with yourself. You can’t change it. You are trapped. Trapped by thoughts that all say, “It’s my turn now. I’m not going to let this happen anymore. I’m just not willing to put up with it anymore. I’m right too. They can’t do this to me.”

People can’t go back then. They just aren’t there anymore and don’t want to go back either. The scorched earth is the goal. You want to leave a lot behind you now. Nobody should think that I’ll take this lying down. I’m strong enough. I want to clear the air now.

The soul does not agree. You don’t love. You no longer exist. You have burned your bridges behind you. You just think, I want to go through with everything now, even if it doesn’t do me any good.

The soul watches over people so that they can be happy. They are not happy now. Happiness is gone. No, it is there, waiting. It wants to be.

Happiness wants to be. It doesn’t work. It is just not there when people don’t want it. They think. They don’t want to now. They are of the opinion that happiness is not. I have no luck. Everything is just like that now, that I can’t have anything. I have no luck. Who knows why? I don’t care either. I just want to enforce what I think will make me feel good again.

Thoughts are there. There are many of them now. You are no longer good. You no longer have your thoughts under control. They are becoming more and more negative. So you are no longer able to reject the negativity that is there now. You are busy. Busy with an endless number of negative thoughts that are increasingly able to drag people down and just push them further and further away from you.

People are. They can’t anymore. So you’re no longer good.

The soul sees. The clues are there. But you can’t see. Well, you’ll have to learn. You have to learn to see. Then you can decide. Decide what you want. You see and can also recognize with your vision. Recognize that I’m not on the right track.

Changes are called for. I can change. No, not yet. Well, then be aware – human – it may also be that you no longer have much joy in life. Yes, that can be.

The soul wants to show you: “Human – go. Let go. Let go of what you are. Love – human. Love you. Love what you do. Love – human – and much can happen.”

Life is a learning process. People learn and then they are. They move forward. Not always, but then they can do something with all the clues they get from the soul. They can change.

Change is important. But people are not willing to change. They are very resistant to change. Not all people, but many people. This also makes it clear that a lot can happen. You don’t take the hints very seriously either. You are also willing to suffer. Suffering is part of life, people say.

No, suffering is not part of life. Learning is part of life. You learn about what you experience. You experience when you change. Change for the better or not change, so something is getting less and less good. You are then also sick. They say sick to what is actually not a disease, but simply something that arises because you change nothing. You then also do things that you should not do.

You let chemicals into your body. You also allow a lot of other things that make the body weaker and weaker. Yes, it can also happen that the body recovers from everything, even if you undergo chemicals, operations or radiation. It may be that this helps. No, it does not help, but it then reappears somewhere else if people do nothing to change what needs to be changed.

It is impossible to understand that the soul is there and wants something. It wants the person to change and then come back to their path.

Now it is clear what is necessary. You have to follow the clues that are there. You can then recognize. You can recognize what is necessary to be changed and then you can become good again. Becoming good is important. It is good when people can do things again. When they can do what they want.

They want to do what they want. If they are not on their way, they cannot do what they want. This also means that what stands in the way of happiness is what people do not want to accept. They stand in the way of their own happiness.

A person literally stands in the way of his own happiness if he ignores what the soul wants to tell him with all the clues he gets.