






You believe what you hear said everywhere. You think it must be true. You are convinced that what you are saying is true because people who do research year after year say it. Billions of dollars and other currencies have been invested in brain research over the decades. People want to understand how people think. They also want to understand how they behave. Why they behave the way people behave.

That’s what most of the money has been spent on in recent decades. On research into behavior. Behavior is important for those who want to sell. They draw conclusions from it about what they have to do to get people to buy. Not just buy, but buy again and again. Then they also want to know why people don’t want to do it. They want to know this in order to then consider how they can be persuaded to do what they don’t want to do. They want people who do what they want. That way, they can achieve a lot, especially everything they want.

They want an infinite amount. Above all, power and money. That is the most important thing for those who have invested an enormous amount of money in researching all the questions about our thinking and behavior. We want to know so that we can influence and manipulate people. We actually want to get a complete grip on them. All people, if possible.

That’s right. But there are also many things that make all this impossible.

We are not as far along as we think we are. We have found out that the brain, which we have seen as the center of thinking, is not the center of thinking, but we still don’t really know how it really is. We have discovered the belly brain, but not all that it is and how it works. No, they have already found out how it probably works, but they don’t know what it really is, what is there and works.

Functioning is nothing. It is not important. It is not important how the belly brain functions, but it is important to know what it is. It is not possible for them to know what it is because they think. They think and are not able to see. You cannot think with the belly brain. You have to know it.

Knowing and thinking are two completely different things. First of all, it is not a thing, the gut brain. Secondly, it is not how a thing works. Things are nothing. They can never do what nothing can do.

Doing nothing is something that humans cannot understand. Their thinking is always geared towards doing something. You do. You go. You are. You are not when you do nothing.


„They do nothing. Then they are nobody. No, they are still somebody even if they have a lot of money. Then you can assume that they once did something and just made a lot of money from it. So they have done and no longer have to do. They don’t want to do anymore either. So their doing nothing is justified by the fact that at some point they did something that brought them so much money that they no longer need to do anything. They can simply afford to do nothing.“

But now to someone who has never done anything. He is useless. No, not if he still earns something from doing nothing. So find people who want to learn from his doing nothing. Then you can accept that people do nothing. But if people really do nothing, then they are worthless. Then you have to say, ”They shouldn’t really be here because they don’t contribute anything. They are also not useful because they can’t do anything or at least don’t want to contribute what they can. So they are also unwilling to do anything for the community.“

Now back to the abdominal brain. It does a lot. It allows everything that happens in the body to happen autonomously, without human intervention. So it allows people to live. Take just the four crucial processes in the body: “The heartbeat; breathing; digestion and excretion, then you know that there is an enormous amount that the abdominal brain makes possible in some way, that it works.”

In some way or other, something happens that humans cannot think. They cannot think it because what makes them think in the head brain is only a part. The EGO that makes them think is only a part, it is called: “It is only the personality of the human being.”

But a person’s personality is not everything. A person has a body, a mind and a soul. This already says that there is more to a person than just a personality. The personality is connected to the character. That is what makes up the personality. The character. It is built on character traits, so to speak. They are what show the character. There are several character traits that a person has. So he shows himself through several character traits, all of which are also differently pronounced. It can best be explained like this: “People have character traits that they show and that they also show from several sides.” So it is possible that people can be good and not good. They can also be so that they have nothing human left in them. Then they are no longer human, but beings who have lost all humanity.

This now clarifies what the personality is and how it can express itself. What it can also achieve with its characteristics. The personality of a person can be good with its thinking and can also be not good. It can also distance itself so far from its humanity that it no longer has anything to do with a human being. It has then lost all humanity.

But now back to what is still there. There is a body. Of course, it is also influenced by the personality’s characteristics. If a person does not care about their body, completely neglects it, does not value it, does not take care of it, does not pay attention to it and also does not pay attention to it, only demands it and never lets it rest, then that is not good. The body then suffers. It deteriorates. It can’t take any more. You are then disappointed. You force the body. You do even more to it. You are no longer squeamish. You just let it do whatever it is you think will make it fit again.

You are just brutal. That’s not good. At some point, the body has to defend itself. No, it’s not the body that defends itself, but the soul. It no longer wants to see how people treat their bodies. Not lovingly and appreciatively, but brutally and recklessly. Not even the way you would treat your best friend. You just assume that the body is there and has to be dealt with. No, the body is there and is a friend. A friend wants to be treated with respect. So you can change. No, you have an opinion and you enforce it. Then the soul shows that this is not good. You are a human being. You are a lover. So love. Be appreciative, be considerate, take care of your body. It is good for you. You have to take it as it takes you. It wants to help you. So you can help it too. So accept that you are the one who helps your body to help itself. That is your task – human. Help your body to help itself.

If you don’t accept that, you can learn. You learn from clues. The clues can come from the soul. They show you why you are suffering. Whatever suffering you have, be mindful. They show you what is missing. So be mindful to help. To help where it is needed. Whatever it is, be mindful to change what is needed to make it happen again. What is happening anew means: “You can always change something that shows your body that I care for you. I love, honor and respect you. I am grateful for what you do for me.”

The soul watches over you, over being. Being what you are. A human. Humans are lovers.