






It is possible, that human beings think. Think, that something is nonsense. That is their right. It is right, that they are thinking. They are thinking, and often don´t know, what they write.

This is, what is strange. Strange, and something else: „it is not only strange, but also not their true thinking.“ They have been hurt by something. Something, which made them think, like they do.“

They do negative. Most of the time they think negative. Everybody, everything is something, which is negative. Negative, and in the extreme also disgusting. Disgusting in a way, which they do not see anymore. They regard human beings enimies. Enemies mainly on the side of people, who do not follow their opinion. They hate people. They hate people and think, that they should not be there.

Should not be there, because they do not follow their opinion. An opinion, which is not debated, is no opinion. That is something, which seems to be not common state. Common state means: „it is not shared by a lot of people.“

What does one opinion do?

It does nothing. It is just there. It is there, and can do nothing. Why, because all the other people follow. Follow, and do, what this one opinion is saying. That is no society. That is no common life. That is nothing. Nothing worthwile. Nothing worthwile in a sense, that we should not refer too. We should not refer too, because it only leads to nothing. It only leads to nothing but a fight. Fight for nothing.

We go. We go, and do not see, what happens. People do, what a few people tell them to do. They say: „you should do this. You should do that.“ Yes, is the answer. Yes, and nothing else. These people, who regard life as one road, contribute not. They just follow. They are followers of others. Followers, which are in danger. Why?

Because, what happens, if they follow the false human beiing. We have a lot of experience with that. People know this. But they follow straightforward again, what a few people are telling them.

Are they a few people, who are telling them, what should be done? Yes.

That is something, which the people cannot believe. They cannot believe, that all the media are in the hands of a few people. Not only in one country, but in the whole world. I am talking about the mass-media. I am not talking about a few individual media, which are not relevant to the public opinion. I am talking about the mainstream media. Those, who are really creating the opinions. The opinions of millions of people.

Millions of people, who think, what they tell them, they should think. This is the problem. People go with them. They follow them. They take their opinions. They do not research their opinions. They just follow. They say, what they read. They say, what they read, and what they hear. Every day. They follow not only, but become fighters for the opinions they read and hear.

This does not end in their saying. It does not end, when they said, what they wanted to say. It does not end, when they claim, that they know. It does not end, when they insist, that they know, what they are saying. No. They fight, because they do not know. They do not know, and thus they believe that they are forced to fight, because they do not want, that somebody could get the impression, that they do not know.

Moreover, it is like this: „they are just somebody, who repeats something, and does not know, what they repeat. What they say. Why they are saying this.“ Why?

Because they think. They think, what they are activated to think. This is something, which people cannot imagine. They cannot imagine, that they are activated. Activated in a sense, that media is able to create a thinking. A thinking, which leads the people to think exactly in a way, which they want.

That is it. It is like this, because today, with all the instruments available, the people, who are doing this, are able to create a world, which is not the world, but is, what they let the people think, that the world is.

The world is different, but if you are exposed every day to messages, which show you a world, which is created by the ones, who do this, you start to believe. To believe, that this is world. A world, which is a world of human beings, which are not good. Not good, and something else: „people are all bad.“

Bad and not human beings, you can trust. You cannot trust people, is the message. Why?

Because, if people do not trust each other, they do not want to cooperate. This is important for those people, who organize all of this. Who try to make sure, that peole feel bad about other people.

With this connected is, that people do not think, that they can trust somebody, who is saying his opinion. Why?

Because they have the thoughts, which were put in their brains. In their brains, and something else: „it is not only in their brains, but is constantly enlarged.“ Enlarged via media. Media, who are all over the world present. Not only in newspapers, television and other regarded direct media, but also in the handys. The handys are the major mean for them. With the handys they have the peoples mind all the time under control.

This is so. This is so, because the people started to use the handy for everything. Nothing goes anymore without the handy. This is good for them. If they control the handy, they know everything. Everything they want to know. This is true. Everybody can check this. It is true, and can be followed up. Why?

Because you get reactions. Reactions to what you are doing. Suddenly something appears on yours handies mirror, which you can relate to what you have done. This is clear connection. Connection, which shows, that you are constantly controlled. Controlled, and something else. Your reactions are analyzed. Analyzed and something else: „you become a plattform for them. A plattform, they can play on.“

People do not see this. They do not recognize, that all what happens, can be seen. Seen, and followed up. The handys opened the human being. They not only opened the human beings, but also made them transparent. Transparent in all directions.

The directions which are of utmost importance are, their behaviour. The behaviour is important, because if you know everything about the behaviour of people, you can do everything to influence their behaviour. That is easy to understand. Why?

Imaging, that you are somebody, who is emotional. What happens to you, if that, what makes you emotional is supported. You become more emotional. If somebody plays on these emotions, he can get you quite easy further emotional. This can be achieved. Easily achieved, if somebody knows everything about your emotions.

Emotions lead to aggressivity. That is also clear. Clear, that if you make somebody very emotional, he becomes very angry. He becomes not only very angry, but hurt other people. The outcome of this is: „more aggressivity.“ Why?

Because it will now happen, that the other person, you attac, will react to what you are doing. This ends most of the time up with a seperation. Seperation in a way, that people go different ways.

This is, what the people behind all these activities want to achieve. People become seperated. Why? Because they are then easy to control. Yes, and something else: „they do not cooperate and work together anymore.“

The issue of cooperation and work together is important. It is something, which is generally important for people. But, if they are constantly told, that this is not good, they start to believe, that it is not good. They believe, that it is better not to cooperate.

With this approach they achieved everything. The people cannot believe, that cooperation helps. They cannot believe, that cooperation lead to good results. They cannot believe, that cooperation makes people happy. They cannot believe, that they should strive for cooperation.

Thus they end up with something, which they do not want, but do. They work in companies, which divide work. They work in companies, which divide people. They work in companies, which do not regard talents relevant. They divide each task. They do it, that people are not forced to think. No, they should not think, because they are somebody, who have just to make sure, that a task is fulfilled.

When this is the situation for the people, they are never challenged. They are not challenged with their talents. They are not, what they are. They are not satisfied. Why?

Because they do not, what they can. They live not up to their potentials. They just do, what they are said to do. They can also easily be replaced. Why?

Because they are just experienced in one task. A minor task, most of the time. When this is the case, another person can easily take over. Can take over, and do, what he is said to do.

No! It is even easier. If the task is so striktly separated, it can easily taken over by a roboter. By a roboter, who makes the task perfect. They say. Yes, that might be, but it is not because of the perfection of the roboter.

It is, because they think, that the people should know, that they can be at any time replaced, if they do not do, what they are asked for.

This can be seen all the time. Human beings are just replaced. Costeffectiveness is, what they say is important. Why?

Because they want to maximize their profits, is one reason. The other reason is, that they want to show their power. We can hire and fire, whenever we want.

This is the world of them. Of the people who make opinions. Who create opinions. Who do all of this, and can do it. Why?

Because the people believe. Believe, what they read and hear. Read and hear all the time. This is, what makes the world today what it is.

People think. People think all the time. They do it, and cannot see anymore, what is going on.

This can change. This can change, when the conciousness is there. It is there. It is there, and can do. Can do, what is necessary. Necessary to change something. Something, which the people must change, to do something for themselves.

For themselves means, that they do it for them. Not for others. Not for them, who are constantly telling them, what they have to do. For them, who are constantly making them believe, that this is their only alternative. No!

This is no alternative!

 It is no alternative for the people, that they are constantly taken. Taken in a way, that they cannot live anymore.

Life is more, than that, what happens. It is more than be constantly exposed to something, which others want them to do. It is more than a life, which is driven by handys and other things, which do nothing for the people. It is more than something, which seems to be of worth, and is nothing.

Things! Things! Things!

Things, all the time things. Things, which do nothing. Nothing and even more: „the disturb the life of people.“ Why?

Because they become more and more dependent. Dependent on everything. On everything means everything.

Everything is everything means: „that all the people run. They run for what. For things. Things, which do most of the time nothing for them. They do nothing for them, means: „they are there, and do not make them happy.“ Why?

Because they cannot do this. Things are nothing, because they cannot love. Love, and something else: „they cannot give something, which is of utmost importance to people.“

It is love. Love is of utmost importance to people. Love cannot go. It is. But people are not seeing this. They see only things. Things, which do nothing worthwile for them.

They just give them the impression, that they are saturated. Saturated, and something else. They think, that it is important. Important for them, to have these things. Why?

Because others have also things. Maybe more things. That is, what they are constantly thinking. That others could have more things. They are also constantly told, that they should have more things.

This is a strategy. A good strategy for the people, who want to achieve all of this. What?

That people think, that they never have enough!

With this they can sell everything. Everything and all the things, which are nothing. All the things which are nothing and are not doing anything to the people. For the people.

But for them. For those, who create all the things. Things, which are so many, that noone can imagine now, how many things are on the world. Are on the world and do nothing.

But the people do everything for the things.

They work. They not only work, but also have no time anymore for themselves. They work, and spend money. Money for something, which does not help to live. To live in a way, which they want. Yes, they are saturated for the moment. They are saturated and can say, I am pleased to have it. They can say this, but in the next moment, they forget it. They forget, and, when they are exposed to advertising are said again: „you must buy.“ Buy, and you are more satisfied.

Satisfied and saturated are two completely different things. Saturated means: „you are full. Full in a way, like a store. A full store. A full store, which never is emptied.“

Satisfied is something completely different, why?

People, who are satisfied, do not need things, to be, what they are. They do not need things, to show, what they are. They do not things, to show what they are, and what they want to be.“

People, who are satisfied are also happy. Why? Because they are well. Well with themselves. They don´t need constant confirmation of something. They love themthelves. They do not need to buy something to be happy. They do not need to do something, which is not on their list of something, which can be said is a thing.

For them things are not something, which matters. They have. They have something, which they need. Which they need to fulfill something. They do not have things, just for the things. Things, which they do not need, but they have. Have, to show, that they have things.

People will see. People will see, when their conciousness is growing, that all of this is not important. Is not important, and can do nothing for them. It can do nothing for them, because it is nothing. Nothing, what really matters. Nothing, what really matters, and helps the people in one way. No! It does not help the people. It makes them dependent. Dependent, and something else: „it makes them dependent on the people, who want them to do all these things.“

This is easy to explain.

Who has no credit? Who has no leasing? Who has no pressure from the bank? Who has no pressure from somebody, because he did not pay? Who has no pressure from somebody, because he did not do, what he planned to do, to pay, what he has to pay? Who is not a victim of constantly buying things? Who does not listen to advertising and buy immediately what he hear, he should have? Who is not a human being, who can withstand all the pressure, which comes from everywhere on him? Who can withstand all these?

Not so many people. At least not so many people, who cannot afford to buy constantly. Not so many people, who cannot afford, and deliver, what is needed, to constantly buy. Not so many people, who are constantly in debt. In debt of the banks. In dept of the banks, who constantly tell them – take a credit. Take a lease. Take everything, we give you, to buy.

Buy! Buy! Buy!

Thats the constant message, which we hear and see. Never let us alone. The message of „buy!!“

We are not happy because of this, but they never stop. They do not stop, because they believe, that then we could give up. Give up, and something else: „we could recognize, that all of this does not do anything for us.“

It is important, that you people understand. It does not do anything for us. For us, in the sense, that we are satisfied. Satisfied and happy. It is a catastrophy, what all of this did to our societies.

What did it do?

Nothing, but it let the people go. It let the people go in a direction, which made them exhausted. Which made them not only exhausted, but took their lifes. Lifes, which are not dependent on things, but on something, which they could not live.

They could not love, what they do. They could not love, what they do, because it is not possible. It is not possible, because they are occupied. Occupied with thinking. Thinking, what their EGO let them think and what the people let them think, who influence their minds.

This scenario is disastrous for the people. It can rub them what can be said, is life. Pleasure. Pleasure and something else: „the wish to live.“

People should wish to live. To live, and also to live a life, which makes them happy. Happy and satisfied.

This is, what people can look for. To be happy and satisfied. They are not happy and satisfied, because they took a way, which led them away from themselves.

They did not want to be themselves, but what others want them to be. Somebody else. Somebody else, who was more attractive. More intelligent. More successful. More somebody, who is knowing, what is going on. Somebody who understands better. Somebody who is better. Somebody, who has more. Somebody, who is more.

Is more, means: „is more than I am.“ This is something what makes people unhappy. It is glance. It is glance, but they do not see it this way. They see it in a way, that is different. Differentiating. Differentiating in a way, that makes people think, that they are nothing. Not worthwile. Not loveable. Not strong. Not a person, which could be regarded worthful.

Worthful is important. Why?

Because people want to be worthful. Worthful means something. It means: „I am somebody who can be loved.“ Loved, and something else: „who is good.“

Good, and something else: „I am good and can be loved.“

Love is. Love is there. Love cannot go. Love is there and cannot go, means: „it will never be lost. Lost, when people do not think, that it is lost.“

Means: „Love is not a feeling. Love is not something, which goes. Goes like feelings. Feelings are nothing else than thoughts. Thoughts are coming and going.“

It is now, that the people think. They think, and immediately they are exposed to their thoughts. Thoughts, which can also be negative. Negative, and lead them to think, that they are not loved. Loved and worthful. This is possible. This is possible and can be. Be, and is. Be, and is, because they think. They think, and cannot believe. Believe, that it is true, that they are loved.

Human beings can do everything. Means also, they can think, that they are not loved. If you listen to all the messages they hear and see every day, it is possible that they at least doubt, that they are not loved. Not loved, and that people cannot love.

But, people are loved. People can love. They can do all of this, but they think. They think and are constantly exposed. Exposed to examples, which show them, there is no love. No love in the world.

Why is this?

Because they, who organize all the messages, let them believe, that this cannot be. It can be, but it is shown nowhere. Nowhere means: „compared to the number of occasions, by which is shown, that love is not possible.“ Love is not possible, because the people are bad. Bad, most of the people are bad. Bad, und not trustworthy.

Trustworthy does something important. It makes the people hesitating. It makes the people doubting. It makes the people believe, that people are bad. Bad and in a way, not to be trusted.

Trust is one important thing. It helps the people to build up relationships. It helps to build up relationships and thus helps people. Why?

Because people who have solid relationships do not easily follow others. They do not only follow opinions. They discuss. They exchange. They do everything, to keep the relationship interesting. Interesting and fruitful. They know, that it is important, that they share. They share everything. Also opinions.

It is difficult. It is difficult, because this is also something, the ones, who are trying to influence us all the time, do not want. Why?

Because they are frightend. Frightend, that the people could join forces. That they could stand together. That they could nomore believe, what they tell them. That they could stop doing, what they want them to do. That they could stop to follow the ways, they provide them via their media. Via everything, whith which they want to influence them.

People want something else, but they are also following their route. Why? Because the habits have them within their hands. They have them within their hands, and the ones, who try control us all the time, know that. Therefore they say all the time: „don´t change!“ Stay on your way. Go further. Do not believe. Just do, what you have always done.

This way is a way, which leads the people always more far away from themselves. That is not good. Not good, and something else: „it takes them away from their hearts.“

The heart is there. It is there, and does, what it can. It can tell. It can tell, what is. It can tell, what is, if people hear. But they don´t hear. Why?

Because the thinking is so loud. Loud and constantly there. Thus the voice of the heart is not heard. Heard also not, because the people are not calm. Never calm. They run all the time. No time, to be silent. To be calm. Not occupied by all the means, we have. By everything, which hinders us, to be calm.

It is a circle. It is a circle, which only stops to work, when the people stop to run. To run, and listen. Listen to what is their. Their heart.