We have systems. Systems are good. They should help human beings to survive. To help human beings to strengthen. To do something, which is very important for all people in the world.
The system should help all the people in the world, but does not do this anymore.
It has become something, which the people call bureaucracy.
This is something, which does not any good to the people. It is something, which developed to a system, which does not help the people anymore. It hinders people.
This is, what the people feel. They not only feel it, but are most of the time very angry. Everywhere is bureaucracy. Everywhere does it interfere in the peoples life.
This is not good. This was not the reason to install a system. This was nothing intended. This was not intended by the people, who have built up a state. A community. Something, which should help the people.
The people, who need a system, to do things. To do things and organize the community. The community, which is there, to help also the people. The people, who really need the community to survive.
This is nomore there. This kind of intention. Bureaucracy only looks for something, which they call regulations.
Regulations are necessary, but not always. They regulate anything. They want to do this, because they show with this their power. Power, which they do have, because they have the regulation.
The houses of parliament constantly issue new laws, which end up in regulations. In regulations, which do nothing for the people, but for the bureaucraty.
It always becomes bigger. Bigger and more powerful. It is so powerful, that nothing can be anymore achieved in a country, without bureaucracy. It is like a big octopus, which cannot anymore be stopped. Not stopped and hindered to become any day bigger.
The people have to finance all this bureaucracy. It costs them Billions of EURO or Dollar. It is there. It cannot go. It is there, and takes money for nothing. For nothing, which helps the people.
Furthermore it helps the people, who run the bureaucracy, to take, what they want.
How can this be understood?
It can be understood in a way, that nothing can be done, without them. They execute in a way, which they regard necessary. They are more or less the one, which know, how the regulations should be handled. Therefore they have the power. The power of interpretation.
This gives them the power of saying yes or no. Yes or no means: „yes or no!“
Yes or no means, they can give the people something or not. Not is then the case, if people do not behave, like they want them to behave. This is, what makes people dependent. Dependent on them.
Furthermore it is a mean to keep, what is.
They can with the system allow or not. They can allow, that somebody does something, or not. They can do this, and do this constantly. This gives them the power. This gives them an ultimate power in the economy. Everywhere. Not only in the economy, but ultimately in the economy most.
This is also the reason, why they stick so much too bureaucracy. Who?
Those who run a country.
They want the people to ask them for anything. They want to make them dependent. They want the people to be in their hands. They want the people to be dependent on them in any respect.
This means: „the governments, the parties, the country parliaments, the parties in the countries must always generate new laws.
Laws, which do not bring anything, but can then be followed up with regulations. Regulations, who make the people dependent. Dependent on the people, who handle the regulations.
Thus there is a lot of potential for corruption. Corruption means: „there is a potential for asking for something, to make the regulations possible in a way, which allows people to do, what they want to do.“
For big companies this is the best of the best. Why?
Because they have lobbies. Alone in the centers of power in all over the world, there are thousands of people, working as lobbyists. Lobbyist is a profession. It is not only something, which is to be done once. It has to be done constantly. Constantly, and something else: „it costs the companies a lot of money.“ Why?
Because they have to influence somebody. This is not easy. They have to find ways. What ways should not be dealt with, here. But there are ways. People know, what ways this can be.
This is the way, regulations in any respect can be influenced. Big companies are very successful in this respect. Why?
Because they have the lobbyists available on the front. On the front, where all decisions are taken.
There they have the people to influence. There they have all sorts of specialists, who do everything to set through their interests.
This is known. It might be not common knowledge, how much they influence. They influence unbelievably much. Much is not the right expression. They influence more or less everything.
Everything in chemistry. Everything in bad seeds. Everything in oil. Everything in gas. Everything in all the issues, which are important to make sure, that a lot of money is earned. Earned and something else.
A lot of money is not taxed.
That is another issue. Unbelievable, what is not taxed. Practically no big corporation is paying tax. Paying tax compared to the normal people.
Most of the biggies do not pay taxes, because they can hide income. They can hide income in various ways. Most of the time with the help of governments or close goverment institutions.
They do this, and save therfore Billions of EURO and Dollars. Billions means Billions. Billions, which can be used to buy companies. Buy anything, which they want to buy.
They call it tax advantages. Tax advantages, which they ask for in every country they operate.
Thus their power is shown. They can ask for everything. But the people do not know, how much they are saving.
It is a multi Billion which they do not pay. Multi Billions of EURO and Dollars are going directly in their pockets. Pockets, which are full of saved taxes. Billions, of saved taxes.
Normal people, they just have to pay taxes. Regularly and constantly. Most of the countries ask for more than 50 % taxes at least from their inhabitants. No, from the working class.
The working class, only. No, not only the working class is asked for, to pay so high taxes.
Also the small companies, and every entrepreneur are asked to pay taxes for everything and they are also hindered and severely burdend by a huge bureaucracy, which always want to have something new from them.
Thus they have additional cost to carry, which they have also to earn.
This is, what makes the people angry. No, they suffer, but they accept. They accept, and go further. They do, what they can.
But it is often to much, what they have to do, to survive despite the system. They are hurt. Hurt and become ill. Ill, because they do to much.
An entrepreneur, who have to run a company is already challenged enough.
The bureaucracy and all the hindrances he has to overcome do a lot more. Therefore he is permanently under stress. Not good for these people. Not good for the people, who are also working for his company.
They all suffer because of a system, which does not do something for them, but only wears them out.
Wears them out, and something else: „does not give anything to them.“
This is, what this system does. It offers no way, that the people get something from them. Something, which is positive.
Positive in a way, that it helps them in any respect. It only confrontes them with regulations.
Regulations, which most of the time are unrealistic and not pragmatic. Not pragmatic, because the people, who are issuing and developing the regulations, do not know anything about the situation on the front. They have no idea. Why?
Because they never left the offices to find out. They started to become somewhat strange. Strange is the right word, because they do not understand anymore, that there is somebody, who wants to do something.
They have never in their life done something. Something, which helps the people.
They are only bureaucrats, which issue regulations and deal with regulations.
They also became strange, because they believe, that they are someone important. Important, and something else: „powerful.“
This is, what makes them dangerous. They are dangerous, because they believe to be someone, who is very special. Special, because he can allow something. Allow something, which people need.
This gives them a postition, which they regard important. Important and in a way also necessary. Necessary, because they are able to say: „i want to have this; I want to have that. I want to be presented with this number. I want to be presented with that aspect.
I want to be! To be, what? What does he also want. This is corruption. Corruption can be supported by this system. By this thinking.
Best regards. No, not best regards, but best pay, is then that, which is important.
People know, that corruption is there. They have no idea, how much corruption is costing the whole economy.
No idea have the people, despite the fact, that every year there is a corruption report issued, which shows, which countries are specifically successful on this.
Corruption costs the economies year by year Billions of EUR= and Dollars. Everything of course has to be multi.
Multi-Billion EURO and Dollars are the yearly corruption amounts, which flow into channels, the people do not know.
This is the system.
The system has to be there? NO!
It is not only corrupt, but hinders a lot of good ideas to come up. To come up, because it is not opportune, to come up. Why?
Because it is not in the interest of the people, who run the system. Who have established the system. Who keep the system going.
It is not in their interest means: „they decide, what can be introduced or not.“
This means also, that ideas cannot be brought to market, because it is not in the interest of these people.
There were and there are many ideas upcoming, which finally end in the desks of the people, who are not interested, that these ideas spread all over the world.
This happens for sure also to all inventions, which are dangerous for the existing products. They are just bought. Bought, and put in the desk.
They might not ever appear, or they come, when it is in the interest of the people, who have all the money available, to hinder, that the idea is put on the market.
Thus the system is stable. It is stable, and will so long be stable, til the system breaks.
It breaks, when the people recognize, that the system is nothing for them. It is not only nothing for them, but also hinders them to live the life, they could live.
This is the major problem.
They do not live the life, they could live!
This is easy to explain, why?
Lets start with the expenditures of a country. Lets start with the cost of a country, to run all the bureaucracy, the country has. Lets start with the taxes avoided by big companies. Lets start with the cost of corruption. Let´s start with the cost of a bureaucracy in a country, which hinders ideas and entrepreneurs. Let´s start with the potentials, bureaucracy is killing. Let´s start with the engagement of people, which is killed by bureaucracy. Let´s start with the bureaucracies cost, which would not be there, if all the laws and regulations imposed on the country would not be there.
This is the way, how somebody could calculate all the costs, which are involved in this system.
If we would add to this all the subsidies, which are given to somebody influential, we would end up with Billions of EURO in the first run, which could be saved, and given to ideas, to people, who are entrepreneurs, to institutions, which really want to help people.
This is only one spot. Other spots are to be seen worldwide.
Because the people, who run the system in a way, which is disgusting – disgusting means very bad for the people – we would, if the system breaks, no more need Billions of EURO and Dollar for military expenses.
The military expenses of the whole world are so high, that nobody can imagine, how high they are.
They move up to Trillions of EURO and Dollar.
Trillions are Thousand Billions of EURO and Dollar.
Thus, people in the world are not only paying a lot for military, but also millions of people are suffering of what they constantly organize: „wars!“
Wars, which they initiate, to keep their companies busy. Military companies, who have to empty their stocks of weapons all the time.
This is the outcome of what can be called bookkeeping of the system.
A system, which cannot handle money. A system, which always increases dept year by year. A system, which is so corrupt, that nobody can imagine. A system, which does not allow people to develop. A system, which does nothing, to help people.
Does this system something for the people? No! This is not the case!!!
This system helps only a few people. A few people, which are unbelievably rich.
Rich means rich. Rich means: „so rich, that nobody can imagine, how rich only one person of those people can be.“
They have hundreds of Billions wealth. Wealth means: „houses, cars, ships, airplanes, and many other things, which to mention here would not help. It would not help, because it only shows, that they have so much, that nobody can believe it. It is thus not to regard important, to enlarge the list.
The list is not important. The list is only showing, what these people have. They have of course also tons of money.
Billions in cash. Billions in Gold. Billions in shares. Shares means: „they have shares in practically every big corporation of the world.“
Either they own it, or they have strategic shares of companies, which allows them, to control these companies.
They have furthermore all over the planet people, who manage their assets. Assets, which allow them also to control everything. Everything which is important. What is important?
Important are transport ways. Ships and Trucks. Important are airlines. Important are banks. Important are all sorts of distribution channels. Important are all sorts of advertising companies. Important are all sorts of political investigation companies. Important are all sorts of institutions, which can influence something. Important are all sorts of Universities. Universities, which deliver studies. Important are all sorts of public and private health institutions. Important are all sorts of institutions, which are able to handle everything. Important are all sorts of national and international investigation institutions.
All of this is important for them, to run the system. To control the system. To keep a system going, which does not do anything to the people, which are not directly related to them. Related means: „which do not do something to them.“ No! For them!!!
For them is important.
For them is all important, because they do not care of people.
People are there. They use them. They pay them. They regard them necessary. Necessary, when there is something to do, what they do not want to do.
They are mainly interested only in things, which makes them more rich. Thus their work has something to do with influencing; with requiring; with commanding. Commanding, when it is necessary, to set something through. This is, what they do themselves. Why?
Because they have always to set something through. This is their task. They have the means. They have everything to make everything possible. No!
They do not have people. People, who love them. No, they do not have these people.
They regard people as something, which they must have. They love themselves.
Their EGO is very much developed. They only see, what is close to them. Themselves. They regard themselves something special. They regard themselves at the top. At the top of people. They have the feeling, that it could be, that they are God. They are treated like God. Why?
Because they make you fear. Fear, when they are not seen. Seen in a way, that they are not regarded special. Then they want to show. Then they are able to warn.
To warn in a way, that nobody could further believe, that he is not able to do anything. These people are dangerous, because they are crazy.
Crazy in this way, that they regard everybody an enemy, who is not supporting. Supporting, what they want. Not in line with that, what they want to achieve.
This makes them dangerous, because all people, who have this kind of thinking are crazy. Crazy, and something else: „they do not have any doubt.“
Doubt, that they could be wrong. That their mission is not good. That their mission does not do something for other people. That their mission is just a mission, which is a result of their thinking.
A thinking, which is only coming from their EGO. The EGO makes them think, that they are the one and only. The one and only in most of the circumstances.
This cannot believe the people. They are so misled by the thinking, that these people are very special, that they cannot believe, that they are ill.
Ill, and something else. They are poor people. Poor people, who do not see anymore, what they are. People, who are not good. Not good, and do things, which are not good.
They provide the world a system, which should not be there anymore. Why?
Because Billions of people suffer. Because Billions of people suffer, and cannot do, what they can do. People can do, everything. Means: „the can do All.“
It is this way. It is this way, means: „people are able to do all things, because all the people in the world have talents.“
Talents, which make them able, to do all things. It make them able to do all things, because the community of people worldwide, can do all things.
The talents of all people in the world, can make sure, that happens, what has to happen, to bring the creation further.
The creation. What is this?
The creation is something, which is there. It is there, and can be. It can be, and is constantly moving. Moving, and something else: „it is not only moving, but is also there, to create new things.“ New things, which are there. They are there, and do other things. Thus, everything is moving all the time.
Human beings are also there. They do also a lot of things. They go further. No!
The people do not go further, when they are stuck in a system, like the actual system.
They are stuck in this system and believe, that they go further. That the sciences are going further. No, they are also stuck. Why?
Because they only can say and do, what they are told to say and to do. This is not everywhere so, but in most of the cases it is like that, because all Universities, which are well known, are somehow in the influencial reach of the people who run the system.
This is the problem. The people do not know, how tight the system controls everything.
Everything, which can hinder the system. The system goes so far, that they also influence all personell in Universities to do, what they want. They can do this, because they finance a lot.
Also studies. Also everything, which can be shown to confirm their approach. To confirm it, and to keep the dogmas going, which they have introduced, to make sure, that everything works in their way.
It is not possible, that the people of the world can look behind the scene.
The people, who control the system, have introduced a good system. A good system for them.
Nobody is able to fully understand, how it works. They have hided everthing, which could give a glimpse on what they are doing. What they are all controlling. What they have done, to make sure, that all the things happen, what they want to happen.
The system is not good. The system does nothing.
The system does nothing – what is the background argument for this?
First of all it is not good, because it does nothing for the people. Why?
Because people cannot do, what they want. Why?
Because these people do not intend, to let them do, what they want. Why?
Because it is not in their interest. Why?
Because their interest is, that they only want to have people around, who do, what they want. Why?
Because they know, if this would be not possible, the system would not be working anymore.
This is the first round of explanation.
The second round of explanation is, that the people do not want to be somebody, like they are now. Therefore they are not satisfied. Not happy. Why?
Because they have steadily to do, what others tell them to do. This brings them nothing.
Their spirit is limited, say those, who think, they are other. Other than they are, who have a limited spirit, according to them. Many people in the world are said, that they have a limited spirit.
This is not true, because they have much less chances. Much less chances than other people in the world. Why?
Because they were constantly treated bad. Their countries were robbed out. Their sources stolen. Their sources taken. Their income reduced. Why? Because they lost their land. Because they lost everything, which they could make a living out of it. They were brutally taken away. They have no access to the international markets, and if yes, the distribution is controlled by others. Mainly companies from abroad.
All of this is, because they are seen as slaves.
Slaves, someone can use, to make him richer. Richer, because the slaves do everything cheap. Cheaper, that in developed countries. Countries, which have some rights more. More, and they also earn more. Good for them, but it is only them, the true rich, who are willing to accept, that this happens. Why?
Because in these countries they can sell goods. Goods, which are expensive. With this expensive goods they can get back, what they pay more in these countries. They put also a lot of advertising in these countries. This should let the people permanently think that they should buy. Thus they become slaves, who buy permanently. Permanently buy and pay. Pay and buy.
Furthermore in these countries people make a lot of dept. That is good. You can sell credits. Credits, which are the number one income for the true rich. Interest from the interest is a machine. A machine, which always more generate profits. Profits for money, which does not cost them anything. Why?
Because they are authorized to print money. Print money, which they have been authorized to print by the government. The government, which also takes money from them. From them, to finance all the projects to be again and again reelected.
This system would never break, if the people would not see this. This is possible. The people can see this, when they get more consious. Consious regarding what happens.
They are on a good way. They are on a good way, when they recognize, that it is them, who can change all of this.
It is them, who can change all of this, when they allow their conciousness to work. To work in a sense, that it changes their thinking.
The thinking, to be not able. To be not able to do. Not able to do, what they can do. What their talents make them able. What their talents let them do. What their talents can do for them, if they learn to use their talents for them.
This is it all about. It is all about the willingness to learn. To learn, and go further. To learn, and go further on the route of experience.
Experience is something which matters. It is the only thing, which matters. It matters and can do All.
It can do All, because the people have lot of talents, which can make them live normal. Normal means, they can have everything they need.
This is, what it is all about.
People can recognize, that enough is there. There, and can be used. Used, and something else: „can be used to make them happy.“
Happy, and something else: „satisfied.“
Satisfaction is necessary for people. Satisfaction is the cornerstone of everything.
People, who are satisfied are happy, and do what they want. Do, what they want, and are therfore themselves.
Themselves and something else: „they are nomore willing to do, what others require them to do.
They are selfstanding. Selfstanding and people, who have their own opinions. Opinions which reflect their standpoint.
They stand and go. They are there. They keeo what they say. They stand behind, what they say. They are people.
People, who love, what they do. People, who can do All. All, what they want. All, what they can. All, what they can and what they want. Why?
Because they are left to do, what they want.
This is, what is also important. They are left to do, what they want. Why?
Because the system, which hindered them all the time, has gone.