






I am going to name you President. Not, because this is something, which impresses me. No! It is something, which makes me more or less astonished. Astonished, that you can do, what you do.

It is a lot, you allow to happen. It is a lot, you can allow. It is a lot, which happens under your regime. It is a lot, which can be, and should not be. It is a lot, which should not be, because it is not to the good of the people.

To the people, who elected you. Who elected you and trusted you. Who elected you, and trusted in your character. Who elected you, and trusted in your knowledge. Who elected you and trusted in your competence. Who elected you and trusted in your will, to help the people. Who elected you, and trusted, that you would stand behind the people. Who elected you, and trusted you, that everything which happens, is not allowed, because you are there. Who elected you, and trusted, that you are the one, they can trust. Trust, that he is their voice. Their voice, which is there, when it is necessary.

Necessary, when people, who should never have influence are there. When people are there, who are not capable to work in the interest of the people. Who are not willing, to work in the interest of the people. Who are not only not willing to work in the interest of the people but are also not ready to do, what they should do.

You are the President. What is this? What is a President? A President, who thinks, that he is somebody important. Important, and something else: „he is also not somebody, who is easy to handle. Easy to handle, and furthermore not somebody, who does, what other people want. A person thus, who has his own will. Who has never be known, to do things, which are just in line with that, what others want to happen. To happen, and also want to happen, because it is in their interest.

Mister President, that was, what people thought, when they elected you. What do they see? They see, that most of the things, which happen, happen, although you are there. They happen, and they do happen, because you do nothing to stop them. You are there. There, and represent. Represent what?

This is the question. You open events. You open this and that. You are there. Most of the time, the same people are with you. Not people, who are close to your people, who elected you. But people with a lot of interests. Important people you would call them, I guess. No, they are only important, because you are making them important. Why?

Because you constantly are dealing with them. They are the ones, who you seem to like. To like, and something else: „who you appreciate.“ Appreciate, and do everything to satisfy them. You do speeches. Speeches, which are not very interesting. No, they are interesting in a way, that they just include nothing, which gives the impression, that you are with us. The peoples. The people, who elected you.

Mister President, do you know, what that means? No! You think. You think, it is enough to be President. President for another period. A period, in which also nothing happens other, than the periods before, when you were President. Nothing, which helped the people.

You said. You held a speech. You did it, and nothing happened. Nothing, and more than that. It became always worse. Worse and something else: „those running our country are more and more people, who just do their work. Nothing else. They do not work for the people. They work for themselves. For themselves means: „they are not there to solve problems, but to create constantly problems.“ Ridiculous, if something thinks it through.

They are payed by the people. They do what they want. They meet. They meet constantly and ask for more money. They play a big game. The money-game. The money-game is, what they are there to play. They do nothing than steadily ask for more money. More money, which has to come from the people. The people, who can never deliver enough money. Therefore these people also constantly ask for more money from the people. Taxes and other moneysources they invent constantly. Constantly is not the right word. It only means from time to time. No, they always ask for more money.

Now, Mister President, they seem to have lost their minds. They ask not only for money all the time, but are so crazy, that they allow companies to ask for money in a way, which has never before happened. It is crazy, because it seems to be, Mister President, that you are also on their side. On their side, and support them. Why the other way around, would you then allow, that all these things happen. They could not happen, if you were on the side of the peoples. No! You are on the side of somebody, we only know from newspapers. Or, we even do not know them. Why?

Because they do not want to be seen. This would maybe not help them. Would not be in their interest. Thus they hide. They hide, and are there. There, when it is needed.

Mister President, it is thus, that you seem to be somebody, who know them. Who know them, and can talk to them. You can also ask them, to help. No, Mister President. You are not doing this. You are just there. There and wait. Wait for what? That is a good question. For what do you wait. For what do you wait, and thus allow them, to do, what they want.

You are the Boss, Mister President. What is a Boss?

You seem to be a boss, who allows the people around him, to do everything. Everything, even if they do things, which are not good. Not in the interest of the people, who elected you. You are just there. There in big offices. In valuable offices. You wait. You can ask people to come. You ask them not. The ones, which should come, to explain you things, which should not happen.

You are well educated. Well educated, thought the people, who elected you. You are that by title. But are you also able to use your knowledge? Your experience? Your professional background? No, we can see not, what it means, that you understand some things. We cannot see it, because if you would know, what could be assumed by your title, it could not be understood, that you allow, what happens.

You are not there. You are just there, when events happen. Events, which are not important to the people, who elected you. They are just for other people. People, who must show, that they are somebody. Sombody important. There you are. Helding speeches. Speeches, as already said, not for the people. For the peoples intererst. No, they are just philosophic excursions. Not more. Even that is something, which the people doubt. They are just something, somebody wrote for you and you just read, what they tell you, to say. To say, what they want.

Are you the one, Mister President, who writes the papers, you speak from. No, I guess. You just let them write. Write from people, we do not know. They can write, what they want. You just read from their papers. You are just executing, what they want you to say.

This, Mister President is, what it is. It is allowed by the peoples. It is allowed, because they do think, that all of this is not important. It is important, but they do think, that it does nothing. No, it does a lot.

It does a lot, because so many people suffer, because it is, like it is. They suffer, because they are taken all their money away. They are just robbed out. They are robbed out by people, they did not elect. They are robbed out by people, who are supported by you, Mister President.

Mister President, how can you this? This, and something else: „you are not honest.“

Not honest, with the people, who elected you. You said: „I am there for you.“ Yes, you said this, but you are not there. There means: „you are not working in their interest!“

This is the meaning of being there. This is, what should be. It should be, that the President should be there, and act. Act, in the interest of the people, who elected you.

You do this not. Why?

Because you seem to be dependent. Dependent on something. Something, which cannot be dealt with here. But it must be something. Something, which is very important. Important for you.

Is it your EGO? Is it money? Is it something, which we do not know, but it makes you dependent. Dependent on sombodies will. Dependent on somebodies will, and something else: „on somebodies will, which can influence, what you do, and how you do it.“

It is this question, which you should ask yourself. Am I dependent on somebody? Am I dependent on somebody, who could make me a problem, when he would say, what he knows. Could this be possible, Mister President?

No, say the people. But, Mister President, why other is it possible, that you never say something against somebody, who is not in line with the law? Who is not in line, what the country say, is necessary?What is not in line with all the laws issued by a Parliament, which only focusses on issuing laws and never on solving problems.

This, Mister President is, what are the questions connected to the sentences above. You never ask for a reduction of laws. You never ask for a reduction of regulations. You are just there. Opening events.

No, Mister President, for that we did not elect you. We wanted you to act in our interest. You just not do this. You say, I have no power. No power to act. What? You do not have power to act. Then we do not need you, Mister President. This is clear. We just do not need you, Mister President. A President, who does not act. Act for the peoples interest.

You are there. Act for the peoples interest, Mister President. You are authorized to do this. No? Then go, Mister President. Go, and do something else. You might have done something else. Then do again, what you have done, and leave us alone.

When you have gone, we know, that we have to do something. We know, that we have to take the responsibility. Responsibility for our own destiny.

If we do not have a President, who is able to act in our interest, then we do it on our own. We have people, who can do this. This is not the problem. The problem is only, that we were told, that you are the one, who is representing our interests. No! We find out, that this is not the case. Then Mister President leave. We do not need you anymore. We are alone. Good. We know, that we are alone.

We are alone, and take what we can do. We take the initiative. The initiative, and give somebody else the authorization to help us, to clean, whatever has to be cleaned. Cleaned, and something else. Get rid of all the people, who never intended to help the peoples. The peoples, who gave them the authorization to act in their names.

Mister President, everything is said. You are there. You can do. Do, or go. Go, and do, what you want. We want a President, which is there for us. For us, and not for representation. Not for flying around and helding speeches. Speeches, which you never did on your own, but let them write. You are not there. You are not there, when you do this in this way.

Mister President, we ask you to held a speech without papers. Papers, on which is only written, what others want you to say. No, we want to hear, Mister President, what you are saying. What you are saying by heart. Not by paper. Not by written papers, which are not reflecting what you are saying, but that, what others are saying. Others, we do not know. Others, which interests we do not know.

We only see what happens. We see, what happens, when happens, what the others are telling you to support. We see, what happens, when human beings do, what they want. When they are giving room to their big EGOS. When they are given room to their big EGOS and not only that. When they are ready to sell countries. Countries and something else: „the wealth of the countries. The interests of the people, who elected them.“

No, Mister President, you are the only one, who was elected by the peoples. You, the only one, who is elected by the peoples, do, what others want you to do. They say to the people, that you are independent. No! You just do, what they want.

Why other, Mister President, could you allow, that people regard leadership something, which can never be seen as leadership. Leadership is something, these people do not know, what it is. They might be people, who think, that they are leaders, but they are nothing, what can ever be regarded a leader.

A leader, Mister President, is somebody who has his own way. His own way, how he does things. How he is executing things. How he is acting.

A leader, Mister President, is a sole character. Full of strength. Full of dedication. Full of power, for what he is looking for, that it happens.

A leader, Mister President, does not do, what Presidents like you are doing. He is not often on events. He works for the people. He is striving for the peoples interests. He is looking at the things, which are important. He is understanding things, which are important. He is interested in the people, who share his way. He is there, when it is necessary. He is on their side, when it is necessary.

Mister President, when I am talking about their side, then I mean, the people. The people, who elected them, if he is elected President.

President elect means: „Mister President, you have to be the President. A President, who is there. Not for somebody, but for all the people in the country, you have the priviledge, to be the President.

You do not regard it a priviledge, then Mister President, you should also go. Go, and do, what you can do. You then do something, which does not hinder people. You do something, which does not hurt a country. Then you do something, which does not ruin a country.

Mister President, you are there. Do you see, what happens? Do you hear, what happens? Do you hear the voices of the people? Do you hear, what they have a problem with? Do you regard this important? Are you close enough to the people.

No, Mister President. This cannot be. Otherwise you would see, what happens. Happens to so many people in your country. They are confused. They are hopeless. They are misled. They are not only misled, but constantly misled by everything. Everything means: „by everything, what people, you might know, can do, to mislead people.“

You are there, Mister President, and look at it. Your eyes seem to be hurt. Hurt, and not able to see. You can see it, but you do not want to see, what happens. That is the only answer to all of this.

Mister President, why do you not see? See, and do. See, and act. See, and do, together with the peoples, what is necessary?

Are you fearing something, Mister President? Yes, then you should go. You should go, and leave the place for somebody, who does not fear anybody. Why?

Because he has nothing to hide. To hide, and something else: „to say, what is not true.“

True, in this way, Mister President: „that you cannot do, what is necessary, to help the peoples!“

This, Mister President is your task. To help the peoples!

This, Mister President, is not only your task, but your obligation, to help the peoples!

This, Mister President, is expected from you.

This, Mister President, is, what is absolutly necessary.

That you show your character!

The character is something important. It shows, what somebody is able to do. It not only shows, what he is able to do, but also does.

A character can do a lot. A character means: „a person, who has character. Who can be seen. Who can be felt. Who can be identified. Who can be felt and be known. Known for: „that he showed something.“

Something, Mister President, which is of utmost importance for a President. That nobody can expect, that he will ever do something against his peoples.

This, Mister President, can not be seen. You are either not seeing something, or you do not want to see. This can be seen. Seen in many respect. Seen in many respect, which should be outlined here.

This, Mister President, can be outlined here, because we are the peoples. The peoples can say, what they feel. Feel, and think. No, this is nomore the case. It is nomore the case, because you, Mister President, allowed, that this is nomore possible in a way, which we were used too. We were used to the fact, that we are allowed by constitution to say, what we want to say.

You, Mister President, signed papers, who limited this. You, Mister President, signed papers, which allowed people, to say: „you are nomore allowed this.“ You, Mister President, signed papers, which were so restrictive to people, that nobody can imagine, how restrictive they are. You, Mister President, are somebody, who helped the people, who did all of this, to execute, what they want.

What do they want? They want to reduce the peoples power. They want to reduce the possibility of the people, to come together. They want to reduce the peoples possibility to say, what they want. They want to reduce the peoples possibility to help each other. They want to reduce the peoples possibility to stand together. They want to reduce the peoples possibility to go outside their homes. They want to reduce the peoples intent, to do something. Something, which helps other people.

This, Mister President, was, what you allowed that it could happen, because you signed all the papers necessary, to execute something, which is not according the constitution. You allowed all of this, and also did nothing, to clarify your standpoint. You just speak. Speak nothing, which is refering to all of this.

You are hiding something, Mister President. What?

This is not understandable. You are not lying, you would say. No, you are not lying, because you are not saying anything. This is something, which does not help your people. It not only does not help your people, but make them seperated. You do not speak. You leave everything to people, who do something, which they should not do. But do. You say nothing. You are there, and say nothing. Not anything, which could be regarded your standpoint.

You do not have a standpoint, Mister President?

How can this be? You are our President, and have no standpoint. This cannot be said in this way, maybe. But you never declared in a way, which everybody can understand, what you want. You just take sentences, which nobody really understand. This can be interpreted in a way, that you have no standpoint. Or, you just think, that you can keep yourself out, when you say words, which never could be identified wrong. Wrong, and not negative in the sense of: „making you as a person a problem.“

Politics is something like this. It says a lot, but on the other hand, nothing reliable. Words, and nothing, walked the path afterwards.

No, this should not the behaviour of a President. You should talk clearly, that everybody is understanding, what you are standing for.

Nothing said, is nothing. Said, and say nothing, is also nothing. Nothing, in the interest of the peoples.

You, Mister President, are there. You can be there. This is hardly avoidable. Why?

Because it is in the interest of somebody. Somebody and something. Is this somebody and something the peoples?

This is the question. This is, what it is all about. This is, what it is all about, and can be seen as important. Important for the peoples.

Peoples are patient. Too patient from time to time. They have trust. Trust, and something else: „they trust, because they are people, who love. Love other people.“

This, Mister President, seems not the case. You do not love your peoples. Why?

Because you do not act in accordance of your Presidency.

Presidency means: „it is the responsibility of the President, to make sure, that everything is in order in the country he is President for.“

Presidency means: „it is fact, that people are there, who do not work in the interest of the peoples.“

Therfore the Presidency has been installed, to hinder these people to do, what they want.

The President is elected by the peoples. That is important message. Message, that means: „the peoples wanted, that there is somebody who is strong enough to control these people.“

Is that, what you do, Mister President?

No, Mister President, you are just doing, what they want you, to do. You are signing papers, they prepare for you.

They prepare the papers. You sign the papers. You read the papers? No!

I guess, you do not read the papers, but specialists in your offices read the papers. You just sign them.

This is not, what we, the peoples, expect from a President. We want you, to sign only papers, which you understand. If not, do not sign them. You are responsible for their quality. For what they do to the peoples.

You are responsible Mister President. Do you know this?

No, we do not think, that you know this. Otherwise you would not do all these things. You, a President, would not do all these things.

You are like we. A human being. A human being, who is loving.

No, Mister President, when you would love people, then you would never do, what you do. Sign papers, which kill people. Allow other people, to kill people. For what?

For land? For money? For what? Mister President.

You are the ruler of the country. No, Mister President,

You are not the ruler of the country. You are just somebody, who is elected, to help.

To help, that never human beings in your country can be hurt. Can be hurt, and something else: „can be robbed out.“

You, Mister President, have a high responsibility. That is true. Yes. You have this.

But you are not a special person. Not God. You are a human being. A human being, with a authorization to help.

To help the people. To help your peoples. To help in any respect.

That, Mister President, is, what you are there for.

You can do, what you want, Mister President. But never forget!

It is you, who has to carry the responsibility for what you are doing.

This responsibility you can never avoid. You can never say: „I have not been, what I was.“

You, Mister President, were, what you were. A human being, with a lot of responsibility.

Go! Mister President, when you are not able to carry it.

It is to your own best, if you do it.

It is not a joke. It is to your own best, when you go, when you cannot carry the responsibility of something, which is of utmost importance to human beings.

The human beings of the world are there. You are there, Mister President.

Do, what is in the interest of the peoples, who elected you. Elected you, because they believe, that you are there, and do, what is in their interest.

You, Mister President, can do. Do what you want. Be careful. Be careful, what you do. It is not, that you can do, what you want.

You carry the responsibility for everything you did. Did, and not did in the interest of your peoples.

Peoples suffer, Mister President. You are there. What are you doing, that the suffering comes to an end? To an end, which is important.

Important for your peoples.